Congrats! You are just one step away from becoming a
​“Dental Treatment Sales Strategist”.
Register before 10th November to unlock the bonuses worth >Rs. 20000/-.
Bonus 1:
My book “Aligning Patient Care
with Treatment Sales Strategy”
Price Rs. 2000/-.
Bonus 2:
Power BI modules customized for
your practice- worth Rs.5000/-.
Bonus 3:
Strategy Map of your practice with customized BSC- worth Rs. 10000/-.
Bumper Bonus:
INNOeVERSITY will select five top practitioners and
invest in their practice with a disruptive business model.
Revenue sharing:
Participating clinic: 75%
Normal Price: 40,000/-
Price for you: ₹ 25000/-
Unlock Your Exclusive Bonuses,NOW!
Your Mentor

Dr. Vasant Pawar
Brigadier (Retd)
BDS, MDS (Ortho- AFMC Pune)
Exec MBA (IIM Kolkata)
Six Sigma GB (ISI New Delhi)
Strategic Management (NPTEL-IIT Kgp)