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Agriculture meets Talent


Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Ever dreamt of working in MNC?

In search of more sustainable lifestyle & innovation, people often choose something they’ve dreamt of improving for years. We have once story similar to thousands, but the will & desire is definitely different.AbhishekDhama and Vishal Shaukeen were never in the lack of jobs but their willingness and thoughts convinced them to do better in agriculture. Hear the new word “Agripreneur” where the science, innovation met entrepreneurial skills. The ideas of ditching the engineering were criticised by all but the zest for farming and passion kept them going.

Ajay Naik, who is a Goa based developed LetcetraAgritech, which is India’s first indoor hydroponics farm that uses nutrient-rich water rather than soil, in a search to grow food without pesticides and with few resources. Agriculture has made a huge growth in the past few years, and hence with such outstanding hands, we are surely not far away from relating science and agriculture’s future.The initiatives will help these budding entrepreneurs to feature among the top bulletins. There is a hope which is still kept through these budding entrepreneurs.

Dhama who has been a vibrant individual focusing on clearing themyth of conventional farming, now records daily crop prices which enables him to have a better forecast.

This youth needs more growth and push towards their goals and achievements like Abhishek& Vishal did. We dream of a perfect life without giving any efforts to it. Clearly we can say on how Vishal &Abhishek know how to make it large, by their efforts and constant motivation to create their dream project.

We hope that in the near future these could be the icon which this field requires, as this country has a lot of scope for agriculture. Such innovations and zest leads to the better change for generations.

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